Dear Parents,
The PTO is here to support our Holy Trinity community and to foster a strong connection between families, teachers and staff. One of our top priorities is to maintain frequent communication between the PTO and parents, through our monthly PTO emails (“The Bulldog Brief”), our HTCMS Parents Facebook page, and through monthly communications sent via our room parents at the classroom level. Keeping parents informed allows us to better partner with you to make it a positive and enriching school year for our children.
Whether through volunteering or attending events, your involvement makes a difference, and we are here to help make that possible. Please see our “Volunteer” menu tab on this website for ongoing volunteer opportunities. If you are new to the school, please see our “Join the PTO” menu tab to learn more about joining the 2024-25 PTO and benefitting from membership.
Please know that we are available to answer your questions, listen to your ideas, and provide any assistance you may need. Feel free to reach out to us at any time at [email protected]. Additionally, stay tuned for updates about upcoming events, opportunities to get involved, and ways to connect with other parents. Thank you for your support and for being an important part of our community.
Warm regards,
Kristen Wilson
PTO President


Upcoming Events



We are excited to announce our spirit store, available for ordering at your convenience!  Ship direct to your home. Support the PTO and show your school pride!

Join Us!

Help students, teachers, fine arts, athletics, religion, and academic programs at our school!

Platinum $200: 1 canvas tote bag embroidered with Holy Trinity logo, 2 stadium seat cushions with Holy Trinity logo, 2 car magnets, monthly PTO Dress Down Day (1st Monday each month), 2 extra Dress Down Day passes per child, website and Facebook recognition (updated weekly)

Gold $100: 2 stadium seat cushions with Holy Trinity logo, 2 car magnets, monthly PTO Dress Down Day (1st Monday each month), website and Facebook recognition (updated weekly)
Silver $50: 2 car magnets, monthly PTO Dress Down Day (1st Monday each month)


All volunteers at Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools are required to complete the Diocese of Charlotte Safe Environment Program called CMG Connect, which replaces the previous VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children training. Requirements for volunteering can be found at  Information for Volunteers - Diocese of Charlotte (charlottediocese.org).

If you need more information about the volunteer requirements or support for CMG Connect, please contact Colleen Duffy at [email protected]

Support Us!

Bulldog PTO Fundraisers
Support our Bulldogs during the Holy Trinity Catholic Middle School PTO annual fundraisers.

Teacher Funds
The Teacher Fund goes directly to our faculty for birthday and Christmas gifts along with additional appreciation for their commitment throughout the school year.